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Plants of the Klein Karoo

Plants of the Klein Karoo

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Plants of the Klein Karoo

Are you looking for the best and most comprehensive plant guidebook for your trip to the Karoo? Shop online for your copy of the Plants of the Klein Karoo by authors Jan & Anne Lise Schutte-Vlok. 

Plants of the Klein Karoo discusses more than 1500 plant species from the area, all of them illustrated with magnificent photos taken by the authors.

It an excellent field guide, but it is also much more than that, it covers the ecology of the Klein Karoo, outlines the reason for the existence of plants in their localities and discusses the sensitivities of the various habitat types.

Availability: Out of stock

Authors: Jan Vlok & Anne Lise Schutte-Vlok
ISBN (ENG): 978-1-919766-49-2
Extent: 572 pages
Format: 210 x 150 mm

Soft cover, sturdy laminated soft cover, and 2 021 colour photographs


About the book:


Plants of the Klein Karoo by authors Jan Vlok & Anne Lise Schutte-Vlok discusses more than 1500 plant species from the area, all of them illustrated with magnificent photos taken by the authors.

It an excellent field guide, but it is also much more than that, it covers the ecology of the Klein Karoo, outlines the reason for the existence of plants in their localities and discusses the sensitivities of the various habitat types.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: As this is not a Briza Publications title, we might not always have stock immediately available. As such, please make allowance for extra delivery time on your purchase.

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