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The Art Game

The Art Game

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Practical guide to Bonsai Styles of the world

The Art Game

Availability: Out of stock

Author: Elizabeth Riding
ISBN: 978-0-9802599-5-7
Extent: 124 pages
Format: A5 (portrait)
Soft cover, square back, black print only
Imprint: Marula Books


About the book:

While painting a reconstruction of traditional and modern art as it was at the turn of the previous century, the atmosphere around the painter became inundated with questions. She put paint and brushes aside to search for answers. What she discovered became a story painted with words. The Art Game is that story: the art of painting was found gagged and bound, concealed in a dark forgotten chamber of modern art history. The book opens the door to this chamber and for the first time in a hundred years understanding art becomes a reality.

The Art Game throws the proverbial cat amongst the modern art pigeons, while simultaneously attempting to restore the integrity of the art of painting.

  • The Art Game project is a direct attack on 20th Century art.
  • How does one unmask a power-wielding, pseudo seditious mediocre institution?
  • I constructed The Art Game as a private catharsis to vent my disdain for 20th Century art by confronting the influential effects of its dogma on my artistic life. Now, after this was done, I hope that there are other dissenters who also, like me, wilfully do not 'understand' 20th Century art, who may find support for their art disbeliefs in The Art Game.
  • A modern art ‘regime’ subsequently banned representational painting from the art game for the past hundred years, while sanctioning a myriad of absurdities, such as giving credence to paint splatters, and chairs decorated with chewing gum (to mention only two more savoury examples), as substitutes for finely crafted paintings.


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