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Cut Flowers of the World

Cut Flowers of the World

Bushveld:  Ecology and Management

Bushveld: Ecology and Management

Bring nature back to the city

Bring nature back to the city

Cut Flowers of the World

Availability: Out of stock

Authors: Johannes Maree & Ben-Erik van Wyk
ISBN: 9781875093687
Extent: 400 pages
Format: 240 x 168 mm
Hard cover. Full colour photographs.


About the book:

This full colour photographic guide describes and illustrates more than 330 different species of commercially important flowers, foliages and potted flowers. The emphasis is on flowers that are commonly used in the cut flower industry and the book gives useful hints about the selection and handling of these flowers.




The book includes:

  • Detailed descriptions of more than 330 plant species and their close relatives. For each flower, the following information is given: description of the plant; geographical origin; historical overview; cultivation; cultivars; properties such as colours, scent and vase life; quality criteria (how to select for quality); and the proper care and handling of the flowers.
  • More than 700 excellent full-colour photographs, showing the beauty, colour variation and diversity of the flowers. Important foliage plants and potted flowers are also included, making this a useful reference guide for florists, retailers and wholesalers.
  • Introductory chapters on basic aspects such as cultivation methods, harvesting and shipping techniques, cultivar development, modern trends in marketing (including the role of colour in customer preferences) and perhaps most importantly, the basic principles of the selection, handling and use of flowers and foliage.
  • Separate common name indexes to the most familiar and well-known cut flowers, foliages and potted flowers, a comprehensive index to all the scientific and common names mentioned in the text, a glossary explaining specialist terms and a list of references for further reading.

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