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Dictionary of names for southern African trees (E-PDF on CD-ROM)

Dictionary of names for southern African trees (E-PDF on CD-ROM)

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Saklys van SA Inheemse Bome/Pocket List of SA Indigenous Trees

Dictionary of names for southern African trees (E-PDF on CD-ROM)

Availability: Out of stock

AUTHORS: Braam van Wyk, Erika van den Berg, Meg Coates Palgrave, Marie Jordaan
ISBN: 9781920146047


About the book:


This CD-ROM contains the Dictionary of names for southern African trees which is a catologue of the names of some 2 100 trees, selected shrubs and woody climbers native to southern Africa and is aimed at providing a comprehensive source of information for both the scientific and common names. Southern Africa not only has an extra-ordinary diversity of trees but is also a region where many tongues are spoken. Over 24 000 common names recorded from 30 languages are included, making this the most comprehensive list of southern African indigenous tree names published in a single volume.

Background information about the languages is presented, including guidelines on their structure and sounds, to assist with pronunciation, as well as a map showing where they are mainly spoken. The standardization for the spelling of English and Afrikaans common names is proposed. Recent synonyms for scientific names are included. In addition, South African and Zimbabwean tree numbers are given and for every species there is a distribution map and an indication to which habitat(s) it is predominantly associated. Line drawings for selected species are provided.

Not only will this publication serve as an essential reference for all those interested in plants in general and trees in particular, but it should also prove useful to a broad spectrum of other people, including linguists and anthropologists.

Scientific names of indigenous trees, shrubs and climbers with common names from 30 languages.


System requirements:


  • CD-ROM drive. 500 MHz or faster processor
  • 512 MB RAM & more recommended
  • Approximately 300 MB of free disk space
  • 1024x768 or higher resolution monitor
  • Windows® 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003 Server/ Vista/2008 Server/7
  • Adobe® Reader® software, version 7 or later (version X recommended)

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