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Guide to Grasses of southern Africa

Guide to Grasses of southern Africa

Gids tot Grasse van suider-Afrika

Gids tot Grasse van suider-Afrika

Fynbos: Ecology and Management

Fynbos: Ecology and Management

Guide to Grasses of southern Africa

88% of 100
Availability: Out of stock
AUTHOR: Frits van Oudtshoorn
ISBN: 9781920217358
EXTENT: 288 pages
FORMAT: 240 x 170 mm

Soft cover, 1 000 colour photographs, distribution maps

The grass family, known as Poaceae, is probably the most important plant family on earth. Grasses were the first food plants to be cultivated by man. Grass crops, such as maize, wheat, rice and sugarcane are still our most important food source to farm animals and the large herds of grazinganimals in the wild.

The identification of grasses becomes important during land management as the various grass species differ in their grazing value and other ecological functions. Furthermore, weedy grasses react differently to different herbicides and therefore need to be correctly identified. This book, Guide to Grasses of southern Africa, is the most comprehensive colour identification guide to the common grasses of southern Africa and includes, among others, the following features:
  • Descriptions and illustrations of the 320 most important grasses in southern Africa
  • An easy-to-use grass identification key
  • More than 1 000 excellent photographs in full colour
  • Thirteen short, fully illustrated introductory chapters with general information on grasses
  • Common names of grasses in indigenous languages
  • Icons that enable the reader to obtain certain information at a glance

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