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Sinvolle Tuinontwerp

Sinvolle Tuinontwerp




Só maak ons tuin: maand in en maand uit

Sinvolle Tuinontwerp

Availability: In stock

Authors: Lindsay Gray, Helen Lachenicht and Sharon Walker
ISBN: 978-1-875093-83-0 (English edition)
ISBN:9781875093977 (Afrikaanse uitgawe)

About the book:

For most people, creating a garden, or caring for and nurturing a garden, is of far greater significance than just gardening itself. Modern-day gardens tend to be more personalised as an expression of individual lifestyle choices. However, with so much information available on the broad subject of gardening and what to plant, it's not surprising that many garden lovers feel intimidated and choose the route of blissful ignorance, while all the time wishing there had been an accessible way of knowing how to do it right the first time.

In this concise and systematic publication, the authors have pooled their cumulative knowledge and wisdom of their own practical experience, as well as their respective, proven teaching methods, into a book which will help the beginner and even the more knowledgeable gardener to navigate his or her way through the process of creating a successful garden. The illustrations are visually stunning, and in their own right present a veritable treasury of inspirational ideas.

Most importantly, Making Sense of Garden Design (Sinvolle Tuinontwerp) it is a companion to help you create or recreate your garden. It offers practical exercises and hints, and is a practical, interactive reference and guide to the fundamental topics relating to planning and creating your own garden, including the basic steps in developing a long-term master plan; important considerations such as appropriate choices of styles and plants, water consumption, labour-saving techniques, and security, all shared within a local, South African context, which will also contribute to building confidence and pride in the development and evolution of a uniquely South African gardening style.

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