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Mammals of the Kruger National Park

Mammals of the Kruger National Park

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Mammals of the Kruger National Park

A travel-friendly, easy-to-use guide to the Mammals of the Kruger National Park
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Mammals of the Kruger National Park - Written & Published by Veronica Roodt

The aim of this book is to provide a handy, easy-to-use guidebook for tour guides, tourists, and students.

  • This travel-friendly guidebook includes at least one photograph of each animal discussed, and often two (male & female). 
  • Includes photograph of droppings and skull, and a sketch of spoor (with measurements) for each animal.
  • Includes distribution maps for the Southern African sub-region.
  • Common names are provided, where available, in English, Afrikaans, German, French, Spanish & Italian.
  • Basic information on weight, gestation, habitat, food, social structure is provided.
  • "Did you know" section contains additional interesting facts about the animal.

More books & maps by Veronica Roodt

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