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Veld Management: Principles and Practices

Veld Management: Principles and Practices

Vratjievrugbliksembos en ander Magaliesbergbome

Vratjievrugbliksembos en ander Magaliesbergbome

Veldbestuur: Beginsels en Praktyke

Veldbestuur: Beginsels en Praktyke

Veld Management: Principles and Practices

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Author: Frits van Oudtshoorn
ISBN: 9781920217297
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 240 x 168 mm
Soft cover, integral binding, full colour throughout, 380 colour photographs and illustrations

About the book:

Veld is a natural resource vital to our survival on earth. About 80% of our beautiful country consists of veld. Most of this area is used for livestock and game ranching as well as for biodiversity conservation and recreation. Good veld management is needed to prevent land degradation and to ensure sustainable food production and biodiversity conservation. But good veld management relies on a good knowledge of ecological principles and veld management practices, something many land users did not have the privilege to acquire. This book aims to provide the necessary knowledge to assist land users to effectively manage the land under their care, a huge responsibility indeed.



Veld Management – Principles and Practices, attempts to simplify a rather technical subject by including more than 380 photographs and illustrations and using easy understandable language. Contents:

  • Chapter 1 is an introduction to the subject and also includes important legislation.
  • Chapter 2 discusses the natural resources we are managing during veld and land management, such as soil, vegetation and water.
  • Chapter 3 deals with ecological principles and includes sections on basic ecological processes, the role of plants and animals, and land degradation.
  • Chapter 4 includes all the important practices such as property planning, grazing systems, fire management, the control of unwanted plants and many more.
  • Appendix A: Declared weeds and invader plants.
  • Appendix B: List of herbicides commonly used to control unwanted plants during veld and environmental management


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