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Easy Guide to Landscape Design for the Home Owner

Easy Guide to Landscape Design for the Home Owner

Skadelike insekte in jou tuin (Tuinmaakreeks boek 6)

Skadelike insekte in jou tuin (Tuinmaakreeks boek 6)

Gardening is Fun

Gardening is Fun

Easy Guide to Landscape Design for the Home Owner

92% of 100
Availability: Out of stock

Author: Lynton V. Johnson
ISBN: 9781875093779
Extent: 128 pages
Format: 240 x 210 mm
Soft cover with more than 300 full colour photographs.


About the book:

Landscape designing isn't so much about rules that guarantee creation of the 'perfect design every time', but rather about a series of guidelines and suggestions that will help you save time and money, as well as generally reduce the frustrations resulting from many design forms.

Landscape Design for the Home Owner is a book filled with such guidelines, some for the new home owner to help with the many 'first time garden' situations and pitfalls that tend to arise, as well as some for the more experienced home owner who is being challenged with alterations, changes in garden styles or themes or simply looking at old sites in a new light.

Combine this with dozens of ideas, plant and hard landscape suggestions, as well as numerous beautiful photographs, it becomes a book that will help the informed, adventurous, beginner or even laid-back home owner to create beautiful and distinctive surroundings to their homes.

Beautifully and simply set out, it takes the home owner through a series of logical yet important steps intended to make garden designing a joy rather than a mystery or frustration - dealing with such aspects as site analysis, plant functions and choices, hard landscape options, thoughts on garden revamping, as well as realistic scenarios for costing a project and pointers on where to find professional assistance if stuck with a problem. Aspects such as water-saving concepts, ways to encourage wild life, and thoughts on environmental or regional approaches to garden design are also included. A list of current invader plants and useful contacts in South Africa are also included for the reader's convenience.

Landscape Design for the Home Owner is a must-have book for any home owner with a garden space that needs designing or perhaps redesigning.

About the author:

Lynton Johnson has been involved in the landscape design and horticultural industry in South Africa and internationally for more than 40 years. Dedicated to teaching the joys of gardening in all its forms, this is his fifth publication during his long and interesting career as a landscape designer, writer, lecturer, consultant and author.

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